mdn-bcd-collector v4.x Changelog
Released October 15, 2021
- Fix styling for inputs and light background (#1571)
- Limit deploy action to only run one at a time (#1570)
- Map WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope members to _globals folder (#1558)
- Update URLs to Web IDL (#1549)
- Use NodeGit's Revwalk to generate the changelog (#1539)
- Create release preparation script (#1513)
- Add custom tests for HTMLFormControlsCollection and RadioNodeList (#1528)
- Create a changelog (#1514)
- Ignore Deno by default in find-missing-results script (#1535)
- Add custom test for TextMetrics API (#1534)
- Remove insufficient tests for document.createElement() options (#1508)
- Use WebKitMutationObserver to create a MutationObserver instance (#1511)
- Fix test for XPathResult in old Firefox versions (#1507)
- Sass it up! Convert styling to SCSS (#1502)
- Add a type string for more event constructors (#1489)
- Add documentation for how to review changes from the collector (#1436)
- Add a privacy notice to homepage (#1499)
- Add custom test for HTMLOptionsCollection (#1497)
- Convert from CJS to ESM (#1475)